Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Taylor Swift Named Billboard Woman Of The Year

Taylor has been chosen to receive Billboard's Woman of the Year Award at this year's Billboard Women in Music event, which takes place December 2 in New York City.  At 21 years old, Taylor is the youngest artist to ever receive this honor.

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

3 Fakta Menarik Tentang Tidur

Setiap orang tahu bahwa waktu tidur yang tepat untu orang dewasa adalah 7 hingga 8 jam tiap  harinya. Namun, tahukah Anda ternyata wanita butuh waktu tidur lebih banyak dari pria?

Ada beberapa fakta menarik mengenai tidur yang perlu Anda ketahui, mulai dari waktu tidur, lagu untuk menenmani tidur hingga cara untuk mendapatkan tidur yang lebih baik. Berikut empat fakta tidur yang dikutip dari sheknows.

1. Wanita butuh lebih banyak waktu tidur daripada pria
Menurut sleep expert, Jim Horne, wanita membutuhkan tambahan 20 menit untuk waktu tidurnya. "wanita cenderung multi-task (melakukan lebih dari satu pekerjaan sekaligus) sehingga mereka lebih banyak menggunakan otak daripada pria. Karena itu mereka butuh waktu tidur lebih banyak," ujar Horne.

2. Dengarkan lagu beraliran rock agar cepat tidur
Sebuah survei dari Travelodge yang melibatkan 6.000 orang Inggris dewasa menemukan bahwa lagu beraliran rock malah cenderung membuat mereka tertidur. Selain lagu-lagu beraliran rock, lagu RnB dan country pop seperti Alicia Keys dan Taylor Swift juga bisa menjadi pilihan untuk menemani tidur Anda.

3. Cium bunga untuk tidur yang lebih baik
Seperti yang tertulis pada Science journal yang melaporkan bahwa mencium aroma bunga mawar saat belajar dan sebelum tidur akan meningkatkan memori seseorang. Oleh karena itu, tidak ada salahnya untuk mencium aroma bunga mawar atau lavender untuk membuat tidur Anda lebih nyaman.

Asia! (Taylor Swift's February Video Blog)

Well, it's killing me when I watch video of Taylor Swift's in Singapore!!!!
I regret why I didn't go there!! It just takes about an hour to get there and I could meet TAYLOR SWIFT DIRECTLY!!! MY GOD!!!

If I were there, I would be so damn excited and feel like I'M THE HAPPIEST FREAK-SWIFTIES OF THE YEAR LOL

Taylor Releases Speak Now World Tour Live CD+DVD

Four-time GRAMMY winner Taylor Swift has awed critics and fans around the globe this year with the Broadway-inspired extravaganza that is her SPEAK NOW WORLD TOUR performance, and today she announced that CD/DVD and CD/Blu-ray sets of the show will be available in stores and at online retailers on November 21 st, the day before the US tour wraps with the second of two sold-out shows at Madison Square Garden.

Sold as a CD/DVD or CD/Blu-ray combo-pak, the SPEAK NOW WORLD TOUR - LIVE  set will be released on Big Machine Records.

Taylor made the announcement this morning with a special video greeting to fans, watch here:

Taylor is both the Academy of Country Music’s and Entertainment Weekly’s reigning Entertainer of the Year, and currently holds an Entertainer of the Year nomination among her five 2011 CMA nods.

This year, Taylor’s tour will have played to capacity crowds in stadiums and arenas over 98 shows in 17 countries spanning three continents, and the SPEAK NOW WORLD TOUR has been extended into 2012 with shows in Australia and New Zealand. For fans who weren’t able to land a coveted ticket to see Taylor’s Speak Now Tour, as well as for everybody who’s ready to see the show again and again, the SPEAK NOW WORLD TOUR - LIVE set is the best seat in the house.

SPEAK NOW WORLD TOUR - LIVE is Big Machine’s first release of live music from Taylor. The DVD / Blu-ray will give fans the complete Taylor Swift Speak Now concert experience, showcasing performances of all 17 songs from Taylor’s Speak Now show (“Sparks Fly,” “Mine,” “Story of Us,” “Our Song,” “Mean,” Back To December,” “Better Than Revenge,” “Speak Now,” “Fearless,” “Last Kiss,” “You Belong With Me,” “Dear John,” Enchanted,” “Haunted, “Long Live,” “Fifteen,” and “Love Story”), plus additional bonus content. The CD will contain over 75 minutes of music, including live versions of favorites from the Speak Now album.

Taylor’s SPEAK NOW performance is a theatrical presentation reminiscent of a Broadway experience. The show features elaborate costumes, dancers, aerialists, changing sets, and innovative choreography and instrumentation showcased on a multi-level stage. Taylor plays five different guitars in the show, including electric, acoustic, and 12-string. She also plays two banjos, the ukulele and the piano, and changes costumes nine times over the course of the evening. She moves around the venue and uses different stages, giving every audience member a great seat.

Here is what some of the top critics from around the globe had to say after seeing Taylor’s Speak Now Tour:

“Swift’s two-hour production was an overwhelming experience. There's an enormous amount of detail that worked to make the Speak Now Tour a sort of next step in country concert presentation….it blended the pacing, the music and the artist's personality in a way that transfixed.” -- Billboard

“Right from the start Taylor’s voice was as enchanting and lovely as on her album. Taylor Swift live is even more impressive than on her albums -- her wonderful personality, sweet voice, and most of all her amazing songs gave Forest the time of its life.” -- CJP, Belgium

“Taylor Swift charms Korea in style, radiant...with pitch-perfect and sincere vocals. The dedication of the fans present was boundless, the cheers of the crowd were sometimes louder than the music itself.” --Korea Focus Times

“[‘Speak Now’] went off, as did every number, with clockwork professionalism and thousands of voices singing along and screaming between the lines. Ms. Swift, 21, is their superstar....her songs are taut, tuneful narratives.” -- The New York Times

With sales of over 5 million copies worldwide, Taylor’s Speak Now album is the #1-selling album in all genres of music over the past 12 months, and the disc has thus far spawned three consecutive #1 singles. Taylor’s worldwide record sales exceed 20 million albums and 40 million song downloads.


Who caught Taylor’s Wonderstruck TV commercial? Don’t you just love the dress? If you missed it, watch it below! :D


and let's hear some words from Taylor Swift about her Wonderstruck :D


Taylor Swift - Journey To Fearless

The Journey To Fearless DVD becomes available on 11th October, 2011 and features 13 live performances, rare home movies, and interviews. Check out the video below for a sneak peek.
Set List Includes Performances Of:
  • You Belong With Me
  • Tim McGraw
  • Fifteen
  • Teardrops On My Guitar
  • Our Song
  • Today Was A Fairytale
  • Love Story
  • Hey Stephen
  • Tell Me Why
  • Fearless
  • Forever & Always
  • Picture To Burn
  • Should've Said No

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Mix Me In2 Taylor Swift iPhone App

Mix Me In2 Taylor Swift. The Music Game. 

Imagine hearing totally new versions of your favorite Taylor Swift songs. Imagine singing along and mixing yourself right into the music – as if you were there recording with Taylor and her band. You can with Mix Me In2 Taylor Swift.


With the Mix Me In 2 Taylor Swift app, you can add yourself – your voice and instruments – into every version of every song. Then remix it any way you want.
Sing a duet with Taylor or sing solo. The lyrics scroll as the song plays.
You can also replace any instrument in any song with your own performance. So you can actually become the guitarist in Taylor's band. You can even add new sounds to the song and create entirely new versions of Taylor’s hits.









Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

Taylor Swift explains why 13 is her lucky number

Taylor Swift has been seen around London lately with the number 13 drawn on her hand. For some people, that number might represent bad luck, but for Swift it has only ever meant good things. She recently opened up about her love for the number 13 and has credited it with many of her successes in the last few years.

"The significance of the number 13 on my hand ... I paint this on my hand before every show because 13 is my lucky number — for a lot of reasons," she explained. "It's really weird."
Not only is it the day she was born on in December 1989, but over the years it has become so much more. "I was born on the 13th. I turned 13 on Friday the 13th. My first album went gold in 13 weeks. My first #1 song had a 13-second intro," she said. "Every time I've won an award I've been seated in either the 13th seat, the 13th row, the 13th section or row M, which is the 13th letter."

Some may chalk all of that up to coincidence, but Swift assures everyone that the number can only mean something fantastic will happen in her life. "Basically whenever a 13 comes up in my life, it's a good thing."

sneak peak of "Dear John", "Innocent", "Monologue Song", and "White Horse" songs

Taylor Swift selalu menulis semua pengalaman hidupnya dalam lirik lagu, dan lagu-lagu itu hampir semua bertemakan CINTA. Bukan, Taylor Swift bukan seorang playgirl yang punya banyak kisah cinta dengan orang berbeda-beda. Dia bisa menulis 2 sampai 3 lagu untuk orang yang sama. Contohnya, lagu yang ia tuliskan untuk JOHN MAYER, partner duetnya untuk lagu “Half Of My Heart” yang kini berumur 33 tahun. Check the first song dulu yuk…

Untuk lagu pertama yang ia buat untuk John Mayer berjudul “Dear John”. Keliatan banget lagu ini untuk John Mayer. Taylor Swift memang secara berani selalu menyebut nama asli dari orang tersebut dalam lagunya. Dalam lirik “Dear John”, disebutkan…

“Dear John, I see it all now that you’re gone. Don’t you think I was too young to be messed with the girl in the dress cried the whole way home. Dear John, I see it all now it was wrong. Don’t you think 19’s too young to be played by your dark twisted games when I loved you so”

Berarti umur Taylor Swift waktu itu 19. Yah, perbedaan umur Taylor Swift sama John Mayer 12 tahun (1989 - 1977 = 12 tahun), artinya umur John waktu Taylor Swift 19 itu 31 tahun. Sekarang check this “Innocent” song lyric out…

“It’s alright, just wait and see. Your string of lights are still bright to me oh. Who you are is not where you’ve been. You’re still an innocent. It’s okay, life is a tough crowd. 32 and still growing up now. Who you are is not what you did, you’re still an innocent”

Di situ ditulis 32 tahun, kurang tau juga sih kapan lagu itu dibuat jadi umur John ditulis 1 tahun lebih tua dari yang seharusnya. Tapi bukti itu udah ngebuktiin kalo Taylor Swift udah nulis 2 lagu untuk John Mayer; "Dear John" dan "Innocent". Siapa lagi sih cowok umur 30an yang punya "relationship" sama Taylor Swift kalo bukan John Mayer, partner duetnya? Rasanya gue mau jadi John Mayer deh, dibikinin lagu khusus untuk dia sampe 2 lagu hehehe….


Sekarang check this “Monologue Song” song lyric out deh…

“You might think I’d bring up Joe (Joe ‘Jonas Brother’), that guy who broke up with me on the phone. But I’m not gonna mention him in my monologue”

Sekarang check video clip White Horse. Dalam video clip-nya, di situ digambarkan kalo Taylor Swift putus sama pacarnya lewat telfon. Berarti, lagu White Horse didedikasikan untuk Joe ‘Jonas Brother’.

Lalu untuk lagu Back To December, denger-denger lagu itu untuk ‘a boy from Michigan’, tapi belum tau siapa dan belum tau buktinya apa

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011


ternyata Taylor Swift pernah sakit BRONKITIS yang buat dia sampe harus batalin 3 konsernya di Louisville! :(


dan INI

Sebenernya apa sih BRONKITIS itu? Check this out! ;)

Bronkitis adalah suatu peradangan pada cabang tenggorok (bronchus) (saluran udara ke paru-paru).
Penyakit ini biasanya bersifat ringan dan pada akhirnya akan sembuh sempurna. Tetapi pada penderita yang memiliki penyakit menahun (misalnya penyakit jantung atau penyakit paru-paru) dan pada usia lanjut, bronkitis bisa bersifat serius.

Bronkitis infeksiosa disebabkan oleh virus, bakteri dan organisme yang menyerupai bakteri (Mycoplasma pneumoniae dan Chlamydia)
Serangan bronkitis berulang bisa terjadi pada perokok dan penderita penyakit paru-paru dan saluran pernapasan menahun. Infeksi berulang bisa merupakan akibat dari:
·         Sinusitis kronis
·         Bronkiektasis
·         Alergi
·         Pembesaran amandel dan adenoid pada anak-anak.

Bronkitis iritatif bisa disebabkan oleh:
·         Berbagai jenis debu
·         Asap dari asam kuat, amonia, beberapa pelarut organik, klorin, hidrogen sulfida, sulfur dioksida dan bromin
·         Polusi udara yang menyebabkan iritasi ozon dan nitrogen dioksida
·         Tembakau dan rokok lainnya.

Gejalanya berupa:
·         batuk berdahak (dahaknya bisa berwarna kemerahan)
·         sesak napas ketika melakukan olah raga atau aktivitas ringan
·         sering menderita infeksi pernapasan (misalnya flu)
·         bengek
·         lelah
·         pembengkakan pergelangan kaki, kaki dan tungkai kiri dan kanan
·         wajah, telapak tangan atau selaput lendir yang berwarna kemerahan
·         pipi tampak kemerahan
·         sakit kepala
·         gangguan penglihatan.

Bronkitis infeksiosa seringkali dimulai dengan gejala seperti pilek, yaitu hidung meler, lelah, menggigil, sakit punggung, sakit otot, demam ringan dan nyeri tenggorokan.
Batuk biasanya merupakan tanda dimulainya bronkitis. Pada awalnya batuk tidak berdahak, tetapi 1-2 hari kemudian akan mengeluarkan dahak berwarna putih atau kuning. Selanjutnya dahak akan bertambah banyak, berwarna kuning atau hijau.
Pada bronkitis berat, setelah sebagian besar gejala lainnya membaik, kadang terjadi demam tinggi selama 3-5 hari dan batuk bisa menetap selama beberapa minggu.
Sesak napas terjadi jika saluran udara tersumbat. Sering ditemukan bunyi napas mengi, terutama setelah batuk. Bisa terjadi pneumonia.

Diagnosis biasanya ditegakkan berdasarkan gejala, terutama dari adanya lendir. Pada pemeriksaan dengan menggunakan stetoskop akan terdengar bunyi ronki atau bunyi pernapasan yang abnormal.
Pemeriksaan lainnya yang biasa dilakukan:
·         Tes fungsi paru-paru
·         Gas darah arteri
·         Rontgen dada.

Untuk mengurangi demam dan rasa tidak enak badan, kepada penderita dewasa bisa diberikan aspirin atau acetaminophen; kepada anak-anak sebaiknya hanya diberikan acetaminophen. Dianjurkan untuk beristirahat dan minum banyak cairan.